====================================================================== Readme.package ====================================================================== the NICCS & Co. software package is organized as follows: Readmes/ information concerning the whole package. further specific Readme.* files are in each directory. calib.CarC/ the NICOCAL program for calibration of the ocean carbon cycle irf-analogue box model and some irf parameter input files before and after processing through NICOCAL. maps/ spatial patterns of change, as output from R.Voss' EOF analysis from the ECHAM3-LSG 850-year 4xCO2 calibration experiment as well as appropriately renormalized GrADS maps. models/ FORTRAN codes of the models: NICCS, LICCS, NICAOS with I & O semis/ useful auxiliary program for generating CO2 emission scenarios. ====================================================================== K.G.Hooss 011129 thu ======================================================================